16 December 2012
Social Media
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Here’s the Pope’s First Tweet

The long wait is over and we’ve finally got the first words of Twitter wisdom from Pope Benedict XVI. 

Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.

Ok, so not that funny, but it was all spelled right and we got blessed by a pope, so that’s a good start. And the Pope did actually send the message himself. Pope Benedict appeared on Wednesday morning for his regular weekly address in front of throngs of media and worshipers, and personally hit the tweet button himself on his iPad. Vatican officials say that before the end of the day he will be answering three questions that were submitted to the #askpontifex hashtag earlier this month. Here’s the first of those:

How can we celebrate the Year of Faith better in our daily lives?

By speaking with Jesus in prayer, listening to what he tells you in the Gospel and looking for him in those in need

He actually tweeted in Italian first and his other language accounts weren’t far behind. Follow @Pontifex for more 140 character sermons.

Authors: PR Newswire Distribution

PR Syndication offers affordable and highly effective press release distribution and professional writing services to organizations of all types and sizes. The company’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs and small to midsize businesses with outstanding editorial, publicity and PR strategy services, enabling them to achieve unprecedented media exposure, organic traffic and brand awareness. PR Syndication’s distribution channels include journalists at U.S. local, regional, and national media outlets, as well as a top-tier newswire that is among the country’s oldest, largest, and most respected. Industry-leading writing and editing perfectly complement the company’s press release submission service.

PR Syndication – who has written posts on Local PR Media.

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